Palmistry is a form of divination where the Palmist reveals personality and character traits of an individual through the study of the shape, size and lines found on the hands and fingers. It is not fortune telling, nor prophecy. Its roots can be traced back to the year 2,000 BC and it has been practiced continuously across the world ever since. Serious practitioners have years, or decades of study behind them and know how to interpret even the smallest anomalies found in the human hand. Throughout history Palmistry has been both lionized and demonized, depending on the current state of the world, yet even through the worst of times, the science endured. Three very influential readers in the 19th century, Casimir d’Arpentigny, Count Louis Hamon (better known as Cheiro), and William Benham, provided volumes of work that many of today’s master palmists rely on as a knowledge base. It’s a discipline that requires attention to detail on the highest level.
But, like all practices, especially ones which require a lengthy study period, Palmistry is being infiltrated with fake and unqualified readers looking to score quick cash. This article takes a deep dive into the differences between a legitimate palm reading and one that should raise red flags. Understand that a real palm reading is a focused session where the Palmist engages with the client continuously with the client’s hands as their only focus. As noted, it is not about predicting the future, but rather an insight into a person’s lifestyle traits, abilities, unrealized talents, and most importantly, their possibilities.
Are You Getting What You Paid For?
Professional Palmists all have stories to tell from clients who have previously visited an unqualified reader. After a real reading, the differences are as clear as night compared to the daytime. Many of these clients talk about how the so-called reader spent very little time studying their hand, only using it as a talking point. These charlatans would quickly move from doing an actual reading into a discussion about astrology, or start pulling tarot cards, or worse, some imaginary (often made-up) ability they claim to have mastered. The reason for this shift is quite obvious. They don’t have enough knowledge to do a real reading or they would rather focus on something which the client cannot dispute. A tarot card reading is highly subjective and will differ from reader to reader. A professional reading will be almost the same when done by different readers. Tip #1 – if you are paying for a palm reading, you should be getting a palm reading and not some hybrid concoction of different metaphysical practices.
Palm readers are not fortune tellers and they don’t use gimmicks as part of their craft. Most fraudulent palm readers see Palmistry as an opening to earn money and the readings are all about their financial gain, not actually taking care of the client. Read palm readers put their clients needs first, and the relationship is very personal and spiritual. The metaphysical community is no different than any other group. There are professionals and there are tricksters trying to make as much money as possible, often times damaging the community’s reputation as a whole. There are plenty of self-appointed ‘spiritual advisors’, fake psychics, and wanna-be everything to everyone people in the community. Most of them are running scams.
Classic Scams
Some of the classic scams have been around for centuries, but for some reason still carry weight today. The first and most obvious tactic is to scare the client. Fake palm readers often look for something in the person’s hand that is unique. This unique mark may be called a “devil’s mark,” “evil-eye,” or “curse” found on your hand. Once they’ve ‘discovered’ it, they will offer to remove the curse or neutralize the mark for a fee. How convenient of them. Or they will tell you that your ‘problem’ requires multiple readings to ‘fix’ (all at full price, of course). In these cases, the fraudulent reader almost always tells the client they need to use a different tactic to help them (not palmistry). Tip #2 – If a palm reader tries to create a money-stream for themselves with sketchy rationale, it’s a scam. Real palm readers cannot lift curses, exorcise demons, or fix anything, they only read your hand and share what they see. Also, almost every naturally formed line, shape, or design on your hands can be interpreted by an experienced reader.
When The Palm Reading Becomes Something Else
Palm reading is one of the few science-based metaphysical practices. Yet, many unscrupulous practitioners will use it as a ‘hook’ to bring in customers. They might advertise themselves as a Palmist, but in reality they want to steer their clients into another practice. These practitioners may offer you a series of “mini-readings” such as astrology, tarot, crystals, numerology, or aura readings. Alternatively they might start talking about the stars and planetary alignments and how they coincide with lines on your hands; basically confusing the client with things that are foreign to them. If the client insists on getting a palm reading, they do a cursory hand check and still pivot to something else as soon as possible. Likewise, they may try to integrate crystals, smudging, sacred objects, or hundreds of other accessories into the reading. Tip #3 – the only thing required for a palm reading are your two hands. Yes, you read that right. True palmists read both hands as the dominant hand revels different things than the non-dominant hand.
Inexperienced, Novice, and Wanna-Be Palm Readers
Some Palm Readers may have good intentions, but they are just novices in the field. The field is filled with this type of reader. They might have read a book or two and practiced on their high school friends or brothers and sisters, and suddenly they feel empowered to get into the business. These readers do just as much damage to the discipline as the outright fake readers as they give substandard readings which leave the client feeling like Palm Reading as a whole is fake. These types are easy to spot because they have a very limited scope of hand analysis. If your reader is just covering the major lines and is unable to answer specific questions about others, you can guarantee that the reader is inexperienced and should still be in training. They might have a promising future with additional study, but not right at the moment. Tip #4 – a professional palm reader can talk about all parts of your hands at length, and in great detail.
Wildcards and General Red Flags
Some other generalized tips to remember if you are seeing a Palmist. Tip #5 – if they try to predict your future, often making claims of something amazing in that future, they are a complete fraud. Palmistry is not fortune telling. Also, be cautious of clock watchers. These are readers who live and die by the clock; they are only in it for the money. Another one that should raise a red flag is when a ‘reader’ claims to be able to do a Palm reading over the phone. True Palmists not only need to see your hands, but they need to touch them and connect with them.
One of the biggest things to watch out for is when the reader simply fails to get major things correct. They are just shooting from the hip with generalized answers. A real reader provides very specific and detailed answers to all questions, when possible. The reading might be entertaining, but that’s all it is. This is what you might expect to find in a ten minute circus or carnival reading – not really revealing; just entertainment.
If it sounds sketchy, it is sketchy. A real Palm Reading is a magical and spiritual journey into your life, as revealed by your hands. The reader is only reading what is shown. There are no tricks or props needed to do a reading. Although crystal balls, cards, essential oils and crystals all have a place in the metaphysical world, they have no role in Palmistry.
Additional Resources
Palm Readings Cannot be Done Over the Phone
Introspective Interpretations Palmistry
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