Fairy & Human Relations Congress


The Fairy & Human Relations Congress is an annual event at the Skalitude Retreat Center in Washington State.  The name Skalitude is derived from the Salish word skalalitude which translates to “When people and nature are in harmony, then magic and beauty are everywhere”.  Without question, it’s the perfect place for this event.

Fairy Congress

What’s a Congress is one of the first questions asked.  Simply put, it’s a meeting of like-minded people from across the globe who gather together each year to promote communication and Co-Creation with Nature Spirits, Devas and the Faery Realms.  The Fairy & Human Relations Congress affects the planet by joining with the nature, devic and other higher realms to bring more peace, love and understanding into the world.


The event will be held this year, in late June and will see nearly 500 people that may be flower essence specialists, animal and plant communicators, shamanic practitioners, herbalists, wildcrafters, fairy seers, intuitives, geomancers, Druids, Bards, Witches, natural healers, or Native American storytellers.  Of course some people attending will fit many of these categories.  The long weekend will be filled with communication, workshops, teaching, healing, fellowship, and lots of music and singing.  The highlight of the event is the Saturday night ritual where all attendees don a special outfit of their own design as a way to honor and create a special bond with the creatures of the other realms.  This event is nearly indescribable and will certainly stay with you for the rest of your life.


Tickets can be purchased – check out the site for more info – maybe I’ll see you there….  It’s kid friendly, no drinking, drugs, and off the grid living.

Fairy Congress Website






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