The Words of Another Man
by? What of moments cast in time When the directions are all open And turns are without walls No landmarks offer bearing And not…
Dystopian poetry focuses on projecting the problems of the modern world into the future and amplifying the results of the outcomes they are causing. It’s a worst case scenario of things that could come due to greed, corruption, political strife, and totalitarianism.
? What of moments cast in time When the directions are all open And turns are without walls No landmarks offer bearing And not…
Haunting memories of revolution Echoes of shouting and rampage Streets awash with violence Bloodshed, torture, and fire Broken glass, burning cars Wailing of an…
Torrid tales of that which lies beneath Flesh-bound darkness with nary a voice The cancer kills with such efficiency Silently waging a lengthy pathway …
Endless years of treachery Nothing left but memories Breach of trust with bad intent Never trust the government Famine spreads across the land…
And the night whispered death in his ear, and he was afraid… Shell-shocked eyes staring across the smoking wasteland Confusion, corrosion, and uncertainty the…
False Consensus Effect Initiated… Loading… Loading… Updating… Please Wait… Reconciling Files… Please Wait… Update Complete… Restarting Your System… Repeat After Me We believe in…
Midnight, and the fall of man The final hours tick by without mercy Legions of mechanical beasts Crawling, marching, and burrowing Infiltrating… The last…
Scars of conflict painted across the darkened doorways and alleyways Burnt, bombed, hacked, shot, stabbed, and otherwise inflicted Piles of tangled wire, rusty fencing,…
Countless centuries of divisionary oppression Voluntary subjugation, veiled protection False illuminations and consuming distractions Perception manipulation and misdirection Envisioning everything as a single…
Prophets of Pollution In the alleyways and darkened slums, That wicked force has finally come Foreign invaders, infiltrators, instigators Fabricators, interrogators, and demonstrators Corruptors…